With this specific objective, the aim is to deploy a world-class supercomputing infrastructure, making it accessible to businesses, research, and public authorities. This involves developing an integrated network of exascale and post-exascale computing capabilities.
This part of the DIGITAL programme supports existing or creates up to one National Competence Centres (NCCs) for high-performance computing in a maximum number of EuroHPC JU Participating States. The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) is responsible for implementing actions in this area.
Target users and value proposition
The following stakeholder groups are identified as the primary target users of the projects funded under the relevant topics:
- Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs shall leverage HPC capabilities for innovation and competitiveness. Some funded projects aim to provide access to HPC resources, support business challenges, and encourage the adoption of generative AI and other advanced tech-nologies for improved productivity and market impact (HPC SPECTRA, FFPlus). Likewise, a primary focus of the NCCs is to support SMEs in adopting HPC technologies to enhance in-novation and competitiveness (EuroCC 2, CASTIEL 2).
- Industry: Beyond SMEs, larger industrial entities are also targeted to benefit from HPC re-sources for advanced research and development (EuroCC 2).
- Public Sector Staff members and Industry Professionals: Specific projects focus on training public sector employees and industry professionals, ensuring they gain advanced skills in digital technologies, including AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing (HPC SPECTRA). Governmental and public sector organisations are included to leverage HPC for improving public services and policy-making (EuroCC 2).
- National HPC Competence Centres and EDIHs: These entities are critical partners in provid-ing training, resources, and outreach, aligning with European digital strategies and ensuring the dissemination of project results at national and regional levels (FFplus).
- Researchers and Academia: While the primary focus is on SMEs and industry, academic in-stitutions may also be addressed to a limited extent, benefiting from HPC resources for re-search purposes (EuroCC 2). Graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and computa-tional scientists are targeted through initiatives such as HPC training platforms and summer schools. These initiatives aim to foster advanced skills in HPC, AI, and related areas, ensuring a talent pool equipped to support Europe's digital transformation (HPC SPECTRA).
- Policy Makers and Programme Implementers: Stakeholders responsible for shaping and implementing digital policies are involved to align project outcomes with broader EU objectives.
To support these stakeholders in maximising the potential of funded projects, DEDEP.eu can provide targeted dissemination support, ensuring project results reach their intended audiences effectively. By utilising the D&E framework, DEDEP.eu can provide measures that amplify the impact of training initiatives, HPC adoption, and other digital transformation efforts. Regarding the exploitation roadmaps, DEDEP.eu D&E framework can offer guidance on how project outputs can be utilised for commercialisation, standardisation, or policy influence. This includes support for creating actionable roadmaps to empower the uptake of the results by the users/adopters. DEDEP.eu helps projects foster meaningful interactions with SMEs, researchers, public sector actors, and policymakers. This includes consultations, feedback mechanisms, and co-creation opportunities. Promoting synergies between training initiatives is key to systematise efforts and optimise the use of resources, by sharing best practices, and creating accessible repositories of knowledge.