

This new objective, introduced by the Chips Act, aims to promote Europe's leadership in semicon-ductor technologies and applications. The implementing body is primarily the Chips Joint Undertak-ing (Chips JU). This SO6 also fosters a dynamic Union-wide ecosystem based on digital value-chains with simplified access to newcomers. can help facilitate the creation of a community around each project, fostering collabora-tion, and knowledge exchange among stakeholders, including project participants, industrial asso-ciations, and other interested organisations. The project can lay the groundwork to set up commu-nity building events for users and centres sharing similar interests. can help leverage ex-isting networks of partners and stakeholders to connect funded projects with relevant actors in the semiconductor ecosystem. It can help projects reach out to other JUs, PPPs, clusters and national programmes. It can also help with accessing European Digital Innovation Hubs, HPC competence centres and cybersecurity centres. can help projects in supporting interested users in de-veloping semiconductor solutions. In the definition of the D&E Framework, can help pro-jects connect with potential investors, including venture capital. It can also support companies in accessing the Chips Fund. Additionally, can help projects with dissemination and training events. The platform can also help projects in making use of existing local competencies. can include measures to facilitate access to support mechanisms at European, national, and regional levels which are complementary to those offered by the Chips JU, including new financial resources.