Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Cloud, Data and Artificial Intelligence” is the second strand of the DIGITAL programme. It focuses on deploying human-centred AI solutions and keep up with activities in the area of cloud-to-edge infrastructure and services, with a view on deploying sectorial common data spaces, based on the federated cloud-to-edge infrastructure and services that are accessible to businesses and the public sector across the EU. In addition to these actions, this objective addresses the deployment of AI solutions. AI has the potential to greatly benefit the economy and society. However, to ensure trustworthy, secure, and scalable AI solutions in Europe, it is essential to develop world-class facilities for testing and experimenting with AI. These facilities will help deploy reliable AI while minimising risks like biased or incorrect AI-assisted decisions. Against this background, the lack of testing in real-world or representative environments, which is necessary to prove their effectiveness for users, and the absence of certification against safety and other standards, may bring about difficulties in market uptake and deployment of many AI prototypes and solutions developed in labs. Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) aim to address these challenges and play a key role in implementing the regulatory framework for AI. Under this objective, TEFs will use data spaces wherever possible and collaborate with platforms like the AI-on-demand platform. They will also work closely with European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), which can provide and consume TEF services.’s D&E Framework provides customised outreach plans tailored to the diverse needs of stakeholders, from public administrations to SMEs and cultural institutions. They would include collaboration opportunities with other funded projects to pool resources and share best practices. Dissemination tools, including materials for optimising the organisation of workshops and webinars would help increase awareness of project outputs. The design of a digital platform for showcasing success stories and project results is to be integrated to enhance visibility across Europe.’s D&E framework provides guidance on integrating project results into the market, supporting innovation uptake in cloud services, AI solutions, and cultural digital tools. This would include the creation of toolkits, templates, and case studies for effective result utilisation. Data-driven analysis to assess the impact of engagement and communication efforts are key to ensuring continuous improvement. Thus, recommendations for refining D&E activities based on stakeholder feedback and project performance metrics shall be included in the framework.