The specific objective “Advanced Digital Skills” aims to provide the necessary skills for the work-force to utilise advanced digital technologies. This strand of the DIGITAL programme involves the development of specialised education programmes and modules in key capacity areas, and supports the roll-out of initiatives for advanced digital skills development by refining the knowledge of mar-ket needs related to different digital technologies.
In designing the D&E Framework, DEDEP.eu shall include measures to support the projects funded under this strand in developing engaging content such as articles, videos, and infographics to translate complex project results into easily digestible formats.
Seamlessly connecting projects with relevant platforms such as the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform to maximise dissemination and visibility of results would also ensure an added value to the DIGITAL programme as a whole, in terms of valorisation of results. Regarding the sharing of good practices, supporting projects in promoting identified quality standards, and helping with the creation of guidelines and toolkits shall also be considered.