DEP key capacity areas

The Digital Europe Programme focuses on five key capacity areas critical to Europe’s digital transformation:

  • Supercomputing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Advanced Digital Skills
  • Semiconductors

These areas represent the backbone of Europe’s efforts to secure its position as a leader in the global digital economy, while ensuring resilience and strategic autonomy.


One of the programme’s largest investments, with €2.2 billion allocated, is in Supercomputing. This investment is aimed at developing cutting-edge exascale supercomputers, which are essential for tackling some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare, climate science, and industrial innovation.

An exemplary achievement in this domain is the LUMI supercomputer. Based in Finland, LUMI is one of the most powerful and environmentally friendly supercomputers in the world. It plays a critical role in advancing research, particularly in climate modelling and drug discovery, and sets a new benchmark for sustainable digital infrastructure by being fully powered by renewable energy.

Another significant step in this field is the JUPITER supercomputer, Europe’s first exascale supercomputer, designed to support researchers, industries, and AI development across Europe, further advancing DEP’s goal of reaching exascale computing capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence

In addition to supercomputing, DEP has committed €2.1 billion to boosting the development and adoption of Artificial Intelligence. The programme aims to establish a trusted AI ecosystem by facilitating access to safe data spaces and promoting energy-efficient AI solutions for businesses and public administrations.

One of the flagship initiatives in this area is AI4EU, a collaborative platform that connects European businesses and researchers to develop AI solutions. This platform has enabled innovation in various sectors, including healthcare, mobility, and manufacturing, by providing access to valuable AI tools, data resources, and expertise.

Another success story is the AgrifoodTEF project, which leverages AI to improve irrigation in agriculture, showcasing how AI can support more sustainable farming practices. This project is part of the AI Testing and Experimentation Facilities initiative, designed to broaden the use of AI across industries.


Cybersecurity is another critical area under DEP, with €1.6 billion allocated to strengthening Europe’s digital defences. The programme supports the development of comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks, enabling better coordination between Member States and facilitating the deployment of cutting-edge security infrastructures.

A notable success in this field is the CyberSec4Europe project, which has brought together cybersecurity experts from across Europe to improve coordination and develop robust security strategies. This initiative has fostered collaboration between governments, academia, and industry to enhance Europe’s overall cybersecurity resilience.

Another impactful project, CyberSecPro, addresses the pressing need for skilled cybersecurity professionals by training IT specialists, directly supporting DEP’s objective of bridging the cybersecurity skills gap in Europe.

Advanced Digital Skills

The programme also places a strong emphasis on Advanced Digital Skills, recognising the need for a highly skilled workforce to drive the digital economy. With €580 million dedicated to training and upskilling initiatives, DEP supports a variety of programmes that equip future experts in AI, quantum computing, and high-performance computing (HPC).

A key initiative in this capacity area is the EU Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, a centralised hub that offers individuals access to training resources and job opportunities in the digital field. This platform has been instrumental in preparing Europe’s workforce for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.


Recognising the strategic importance of Semiconductors, DEP introduced this new capacity area in 2023 to address the global shortage of semiconductors, which are crucial for sectors like automotive, telecommunications, and defence. Through the Chips for Europe Initiative, DEP is mobilising funding to bolster Europe’s semiconductor production and supply chain.

A key success in this area is the FAMES project, which is establishing a pilot line for the production of more energy-efficient and better-performing semiconductors. This initiative aligns with DEP’s goal of enhancing Europe’s semiconductor capabilities and securing the continent’s technological independence in this critical sector.

Digital Technologies

Last but not least, in addition to these technological advancements, DEP promotes the wide use of digital technologies across various industries and public administrations, particularly supporting SMEs in their digital transformation. The Gas Grün GmbH have successfully navigated their digital transformation with the assistance of EDIHs, which act as one-stop shops offering access to funding, tools, and know-how. These hubs ensure that digital transformation benefits are felt across all regions and sectors in Europe.

The success stories across these capacity areas demonstrate the far-reaching impact of the Digital Europe Programme. From advancing cutting-edge technologies like AI and Supercomputing to fostering a digitally skilled workforce and enhancing Europe’s strategic industries, DEP is playing a pivotal role in shaping a more resilient, competitive, and digitally empowered Europe. By supporting projects that address key societal and economic challenges, the programme is ensuring that Europe remains at the forefront of the global digital revolution.